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About Rabbi Eryn London

I received semicha (rabbinic ordination) from Yeshivat Maharat in June 2017 and subsequently trained and worked as a multi-faith hospital chaplain in New York City. Prior to completing semicha, I lived in Israel for 7 years where I studied at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies and the Susi Bradfield Women's Institute of Halachic Leadership at Midreshet Lindenbaum.


I am an experienced program leader, facilitator and educator with vast training and expertise in working with diverse groups of people, in some of life's most challenging contexts. My approach to working and engaging with individuals and groups is dynamic and results orientated, using a range of analytical, creative and resourceful skills to frame and solve problems collaboratively with clients.


I have lectured in Israel, Australia, Colombia, Canada, Germany, the UK and the US, and have a track record of success in communal engagement and education. 


I obtained my BA at Goucher College in the United States and my MA at Goldsmith, University of London.  â€‹


I am living in the UK, and am able to work here, the USA, and Israel.

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Image by Debby Hudson

Professional Engagements and Consulting Examples

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Mikvah Project UK, 2020

Created source sheets for community engagement surrounding understanding Mikvah (ritual baths) and use of mikvah.

Oak National Academy, 2020

Developed curriculum, teaching materials and presented lessons for Jewish Studies elements of Key Stage 3 Religious Studies beliefs and practices, for an online education program.

New York Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Cornell Medical Center, 2017-2019

Worked with hospital staff to discuss and educate on Jewish practices and beliefs, to allow for greater patient care. Assisted hospital rabbi in coordinating Jewish holiday programming throughout the hospital. Participated in Jewish medical ethics conversations to assist with patient care. Provided formal and informal cultural awareness training for hospital staff engaging with Jewish patients Provided Jewish and multi-faith pastoral support to patients, families and staff in general medical and palliative care settings

Israeli Embassy in Australia, 2016

Developed and lead a briefing discussing the Jewish calendar for those working in the embassy, allowing for a greater understanding of the Jewish holidays and observance to local and expat staff of multiple faiths.

Catholic Education, Canberra, Australia, 2016

Lead a teacher training seminar on Jewish beliefs and practices, helping religious education teachers continue to develop their Jewish studies curriculum.

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Conferences and Lectures


Limmud Fest, Sydney, November 2016

Lecture at the Great Synagogue, Sydney, September 2016 

Lecture at the Beit Midrash Project, Sydney, September 2016


Scholar in Residence, JOFA/Maharat Summer Tour, Toronto, Ontario, July 2017 


Scholar in Residence, Comunidad Israelita Rab. Isaac Abrabanel de Barranquilla, Barranquilla, August 2017

Scholar in Residence, Javura Nahariya, Baranqulla, August 2017

Scholar in Residence, JCC Medellin, August 2017


Base Berlin/Kreuzberg Kollel August 2020


Limmud TLV, Tel Aviv, May 2015

Women’s Institute of Halachic Leadership Night of Learning, Jerusalem, January 2015

Student Teacher, Midreshet Lindenbaum (Israeli Program), Jerusalem, 2012-2013 

Life’s Door Conference, Jerusalem,  May 2012


Revelation, Limmud & JW3 Pre-Shavuot Event, May 2020

International Women Talmud Day, May 2020

Limmud UK, December 2019 

Scholar in Residence, Kehillat Nashira, November 2019 

Scholar in Residence,  New North London Synagogue, January 2019

Scholar in Residence, Borehamwood, January 2015 

Limmud UK, Warwick, December 2014

Scholar in Residence, Edgware,  December 2014


Navon Theology Conference, Riverdale, NY, January 2020 

NAJC Conference, Philadelphia, PA, May 2019 

Global Day of Jewish Learning, New York, NY, November 2018

Scholar in Residence, Mt. Freedom Jewish Center, Randolph, NJ, November 2018

Scholar in Residence, JOFA/Maharat Summer Tour, Lechu Neranena Community, Philadelphia, PA, July 2018

Scholar in Residence, JOFA/Maharat Summer Tour, Stanton Street Synagogue & 6th Street Synagogue, New York, NY, June 2018

Scholar in Residence, Goucher College, Baltimore, MD, April 2018

Scholar in Residence, JOFA/Maharat Summer Tour, Atlanta, Georgia, July 2017

Lecture at the University of Pennsylvania Hillel, Philadelphia, PA, April 2017

Lecture at ‘Moshie Houws’, New York, New York June-August 2017

Scholar in Residence, Beth David, West Hartford, CT, October 2015

Scholar in Residence, Goucher College, Baltimore, MD, October 2015

 Scholar in Residence, Netivot Shalom, Baltimore, MD, May 2015

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